World War Z tells its story via a collection of interviews with fictional survivors of The Zombie War. They are done by a fictionalized version of Max Brooks. 57 interviews were compiled across 42 different survivors.
Chapter 1: Warnings[]
- Kwang Jingshu's 1st Interview - Describes the origins of the outbreak with Patient Zero in rural China.
- Nury Televaldi's Interview - Describes the spread of zombies via refugees and human trafficking.
- Stanley MacDonald's Interview - Describes the spread of zombies through the illegal drug trade.
- Fernando Oliveira's Interview - Describes the spread of zombies through the illegal organ trade.
- Jacob Nyathi's Interview - Describes the first widely known outbreak in a South African shantytown.
- Jurgen Warmbrunn's 1st Interview - Describes an Israeli intelligence assessment leading to big changes in the government.
- Saladin Kader's Interview - Describes the policies of Israel: including quarantine, huge border walls, medical internment camps, and resettlement programs, all of which lead to a civil war.
Chapter 2: Blame[]
- Bob Archer's Interview - Describes the reasons for inaction from the CIA.
- Travis D'Ambrosia's 1st Interview - Describes how the Military developed a plan for the zombies which was ignored by the government.
- Breckenridge "Breck" Scott's Interview - Describes how a billionaire created a fake vaccine for the zombie virus. Creating a false sense of security and allowing people to ignore the growing number of outbreaks.
- Grover Carlson's Interview - Describes the reasons for inaction from the White House.
- Mary Jo Miller's 1st Interview - Describes a zombie outbreak in suburban North America.
Chapter 3: Great Panic[]
- Gavin Blaire's Interview - Describes highways filled with cars as people escape their city.
- Ajay Shah's Interview - Describes the chaotic state of beaches as millions of people fled on boats.
- Sharon's Interview - Describes a child in a church being attack, also the 'feral' phenomenon.
- Maria Zhuganova's 1st Interview - Describes mutinies in the Russian military over killings of civilians for an unknown reason. Eventually, the Russian high command begins the 'decimation' policy.
- T. Sean Collins' 1st Interview - Describes how a group of celebrities hid a mansion fortress and made a reality TV show about it.
- Ahmed Farahnakian's Interview - Describes a war that goes nuclear between Pakistan and Iran over refugees.
- Todd Wainio's 1st Interview - Describes the failed Battle of Yonkers, a project launched by the US military to kill a horde of zombies on TV that goes horribly wrong.
Chapter 4: Turning The Tide[]
- Xolelwa Azania's Interview - Describes the 'Redeker Plan' to create fake safe zones filled with refugees to ease the strain on government resources and divert zombie hordes.
- Phillip Adler's 1st Interview - Describes the withdrawal of Military units in Germany to a safe zone.
- Bohdan Taras Kondratiuk's Interview - Describes the withdrawal of Military units in Ukraine to a safe zone.
- Jesika Hendricks' 1st Interview - Describes the mass refugee wave of North Americans to the Arctic in Canada which killed 11 million people.
- Sardar Khan's Interview - Describes the withdrawal of the Indian government to a safe zone.
Chapter 5: Home Front USA[]
- Arthur Sinclair's 1st Interview - Describes the mass economic changes and overhaul in the US safe zone.
- The Whacko's 1st Interview - Describes the actions of the new US President and changes in society.
- Joe Muhammad's 1st Interview - Describes the new neighborhood patrol system in the US.
- Roy Elliot's Interview - Describes the life of a filmmaker who records heroic battles and zombie kills.
- Christina Eliopolis' Interview - Describes a safe zone resupply pilot crashing in a swamp.
Chapter 6: Around The World, And Above[]
- David Allen Forbes' Interview - Describes how Europeans often hid in castles and the challenges that came with that.
- Barati Palshigar's Interview - Describes the 'Radio Free Earth' project.
- Hyungchol Choi's Interview - Describes the outbreaks in South Korea and the fate of North Korea.
- Kondo Tatsumi's 1st Interview - Describes the fate of Japanese cities.
- Tomonaga Ijiro's Interview - Describes the survivors in the Japanese countryside.
- Seryosha Garcia Alvarez's Interview - Describes the success of Cuba in surviving The Zombie War.
- Xu Zhicai's Interview - Describes defecting ships in the Chinese navy, the fate of most refugee ships, and a Second Chinese Civil War.
- Terry Knox's Interview - Describes the fate of Australia and Astronauts.
- Ernesto Olguin's Interview - Describes the United Nations meetings and life on government ships.
Chapter 7: Total War[]
- Travis D'Ambrosia's 2nd Interview - Describe the plans made by American generals.
- Todd Wainio's 2nd Interview - Describes the Battle of Hope, beginning the American reclamation campaign.
- Darnell Hackworth's Interview - Describes the military's use of dogs.
- Sergei Ryzhkov's Interview - Describes Russia's religious reformation.
- Michael Choi's 1st Interview - Describes how zombies are killed underwater by a special Military unit.
- Andre Renard's Interview - Describes the battle in the Paris Catacombs.
- Todd Wainio's 3rd Interview - Describes the US reclamation campaign, ending with the liberation of New York.
Chapter 8: Good-Byes[]
- The Whacko's 2nd Interview
- Maria Zhuganova's 2nd Interview
- T. Sean Collins' 2nd Interview
- Jesika Hendricks' 2nd Interview
- Mary Jo Miller's 2nd Interview
- Kwang Jingshu's 2nd Interview
- Joe Muhammad's 2nd Interview
- Arthur Sinclair's 2nd Interview
- Kondo Tatsumi's 2nd Interview
- Phillip Adler's 2nd Interview
- Jurgen Warmbrunn's 2nd Interview
- Michael Choi's 2nd Interview
- Todd Wainio's 4th Interview