"With a talent for blowing things up, the Hellraiser is a master of explosives." ― Hellraiser class description
The Hellraiser is one of eight playable classes for Co-op Campaign in World War Z.
The Hellraiser is a class tasked with providing reliable extermination demolition with the aid of a lot of explosives to blast everything to bits.
With more than a couple of perks related to all things explosive, the Hellraiser excels at devastating groups of zekes using anything that goes boom. Given the dangers of such a role, a few perks also give the Hellraiser some resistance to explosions to reduce injuries caused by any mistimed explosion. Choosing the Hellraiser will make using anything that explodes more effective and even more satisfying. As such, you must use them efficiently to break down large gatherings of enemies and control the crowds.
The Hellraiser's starting core perk doesn't grant any passive buffs like the other classes. However, it does start the Hellraiser off with the MGL, making them the only class able to start with a heavy weapon without requiring a regular perk to be active.
The equipment of choice for the Hellraiser is the C4. This destructive tool can be strategically placed on any surface it makes contact with and be detonated at the Hellraiser's discretion to maximize its effectiveness.
Alternatively, by choosing a specific perk, the Hellraiser can have the Claymore Mine as their equipment of choice instead. This lethal tool can be placed on the ground for setting a defensive perimeter near important areas and covering your flank.
Perks List[]
Regular & Core Perks[]
Prestige Rank Perks[]
March 28, 2024 patch (the "Thrill of the Kill" update):
- 4 new prestige perks were added. Each of them was appended to one of the 4 existing columns of perks with a red background. They are unlocked at prestige levels 6–9.
- The new perks were: "Hole Punch II", "Blink of an eye", "Knock Knock II", and "Directed Blast III".
December 5, 2023 patch (the "Valley of the Zeke" update):
- Perk changes:
- "Here Kitty": C4s powered by this perk no longer auto-explode when the 5-second timer runs out.
October 25, 2023 patch:
- Perk changes:
- "Alert red!": the C4 gas cloud has a new color and no longer grants a masking effect to players.
- Bug fixes:
- The gas cloud produced by C4 explosions no longer grants a masking effect to players when the "Alert red!" perk is active. The masking effect turned out to be a bug.
- Fixed a bug when C4s did not explode at all when the "Here Kitty" perk was used.
- Fixed a bug when the "Free Refill III" perk would generate Hailstorm MGL pickups while the "Chainsaw Massacre" mutator was active.
- Fixed a bug when the Fixer's "Hidden Pocket" perk didn't work with the Thumper GL.
- New mechanics:
- C4s powered by the "Here Kitty" perk automatically explode when the 5-second timer runs out. It is not absolutely clear whether this change is intentional or not, hence the word "mechanics" instead of "bug", "bug fixes", "features", and "perk changes" until further information on this matter is available.
August 10, 2023 patch (the "Holy Terror" update):
- 9 new perks were added. Each of them was appended to one the 9 existing columns of selectable perks. Each new perk is located at the bottom of the column, gets unlocked at the same level as the perk above it, and requires the same number of XP and Credits (Yellow Coins).
- The new perks were: "The perfect composition", "Impact grenades", "You've worn me out", "Smells like gunpowder", "Shrapnel", "Free Refill III", "Alert red!", "Ride of the Valkyries", and "All around is ashes".
Classes (Co-op Campaign) |
Gunslinger • Hellraiser • Medic • Fixer |
Classes (Multiplayer) |
Survivor • Trapper • Specialist • Warfighter • Phantom
Demolisher • Striker • Support • Assassin • Shadow |