After rocky adolescence that included several drug offenses, Eloise Durand, 27, found purpose as a stunt coordinator in movies... until the zombie apocalypse disrupted the filming schedule, and "turned" the entire cast.
- French Jerk: Full-mouthed, routinely antagonizing people and snarking at any given reason - not always playfully.
- The Gadfly: She's constantly teasing other team members and people met on their way.
- Hidden Heart of Gold: She's constantly snarky, but she does care about her companions to the extent of also offering to stay behind and provide cover for them. If Raoul offers to stay behind, she admonishes him and wants to take his place instead. "I'll stay behind. I'm sick of you assholes, anyway".
- National Stereotypes: A French woman in a red beret and a striped blouse talking in Double Entendres. She only lacks a baguette for the full image.
- Shipper on Deck: A mocking example. Karim suggests he'd stay behind while the other survivors proceed and Marine tells him he's too valuable to lose. Eloise suggests that Marine has feelings for him.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: She's always jabbing and sniping Raoul, who gladly fires back.